About us

Cantabile d.o.o. was founded in 2014. We are one of the most successful partners of Hrvatski Telekom (HT) in all sales channels for private and business partners.

We employ 54 full-time employees and 43 students. There are 30 more students in our internal database who have completed all of the required training for working in our branch offices and call centre.

The Cantabile team is made up of young, creative people with a strong sense of responsibility, who do their jobs with great commitment, responsibility, and constant desire to advance and improve their skills.

We continuously invest in our own advancement, improvement, raising the quality of our business, our positive image and high-quality presentation, both towards users and prospective and future colleagues.


Cantabile d.o.o

OIB: 07865774959
Gulini 78, 22221 Lozovac

Email: info@cantabile.hr
Mob: +385994459003


Portabile d.o.o

A franchise partner of Hrvatski Telekom.

Production of custom phone cases, sales through the online shop at www.portabile.hr and in HT stores


Moderato AG d.o.o


Organizational structure

Chief Executive Officer

  • Telemarketing Director
    – Call Centre Manager
    – Team Leader
    – Back Office
  • Director of Franchising
    – Sales Manager
    – Branch Manager
  • Chief Financial Officer
We strive to set the standard for doing business, and be a benchmark of quality and professionalism. Users’ first choice for contact. An attractive employer to employees. A trusted partner to businesses. The values we base our success on are professionalism, service, trust, availability, and understanding the needs of our partners and clients
We approach each new project individually, with a high level of enthusiasm. We consider each business segment to be equally important. Our primary mission is improving sales performance, where we continue to achieve visible growth, and providing high-quality services to end users